FMS Fight For The Cure

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Yes, I’m doing it again – I signed up for the 2014 Susan G. Komen 3-Day. I had such an incredible experience doing the Komen 3-Day in 2012. I’m going back for more. Follow the link below to visit my personal webpage. This event isn’t easy, but I promise you, I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t believe 100% that it was worth every muscle ache, blister and training walk.

I will be walking celebrating my 8th year living well.

No Breast Cancer organization provides more support and care than Susan G. Komen. Virtually every major advance in the fight against breast cancer in the last 30 years has been impacted by a Komen grant, and millions of women rely on Komen every day. These women need our help more than ever to safeguard Komen’s great work in our local communities for another 30 years.

Just follow the link below to visit my personal fundraising webpage.

If you have any questions or want to hear more about what I’m doing, give me a call, I love talking about the event. Thanks for all of your support. I’m incredibly lucky to have people like you help in finding a CURE for Breast Cancer…

Thank you,


P.S. All things are possible when you BELIEVE~