Ready First Aid Kit


Ready America 77160

First Aid Kit; Pet Kit; 36 Piece; Six Antiseptic Towelettes/ Two Tongue Depressor 6 x 3/4 Inch/ Two Triple Antibiotic Ointment/ Three 2 x 3 Patch Bandage/ One Blood Stopper Trauma Dressing/ Three 4 x 4 Sterile Gauze Pads/ One Hydrogen Peroxide 4 Ounce/ One Ace Bandage 2 Foot x 4.5 Yards/ One Economy Scissor 5 Inch Blade/ One Plastic Forceps/ Two Mayday Water Pouches 4.22 Ounce/ One Collapsible Travel Bowl/ One Ice Pack (Small) 4 Foot x 5 Foot/ One 5 x 9 Surgipad Combine Dressing/ One Doctors Pen Light/ One 1 Foot x 10 Yards Surgical Adhesive Tape/ One Pet First Aid Bag 8 Inch x 6 Inch x 4 Inch/ One Pet First Aid Book/ Three 3 Inch x 4.1 Yards Roll Gauze Roll/ One Pet Poison Control Info/ Two Nitrile Gloves (Pairs)


Ready First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit; Pet Kit; 36 Piece; Six Antiseptic Towelettes/ Two Tongue Depressor 6 x 3/4 Inch/ Two Triple Antibiotic Ointment/ Three 2 x 3 Patch Bandage/ One Blood Stopper Trauma Dressing/ Three 4 x 4 Sterile Gauze Pads/ One Hydrogen Peroxide 4 Ounce/ One Ace Bandage 2 Foot x 4.5 Yards/ One Economy Scissor 5 Inch Blade/ One Plastic Forceps/ Two Mayday Water Pouches 4.22 Ounce/ One Collapsible Travel Bowl/ One Ice Pack (Small) 4 Foot x 5 Foot/ One 5 x 9 Surgipad Combine Dressing/ One Doctors Pen Light/ One 1 Foot x 10 Yards Surgical Adhesive Tape/ One Pet First Aid Bag 8 Inch x 6 Inch x 4 Inch/ One Pet First Aid Book/ Three 3 Inch x 4.1 Yards Roll Gauze Roll/ One Pet Poison Control Info/ Two Nitrile Gloves (Pairs)

Ready First Aid Kit

Number Of Pieces36
With Adhesive TapesYes
With BandagesYes
With Antibiotic Ointment PackYes
With GlovesYes
With ScissorYes

Ready First Aid Kit

Ready First Aid Kit